
Event date / Event place

Event name (anglais)

Text to change in the Hero block of the home page

Event edito

Subtitle edito

This text can be personalized in the text field of the 'Edito' object accessible in the back-office in the "Contents" tab. You can describe in a few lines the objective of your event, present it, give indications ...

If the text of your Edito present on the home page is longer than the "To remember" block, you have the possibility of putting more text in the 'Text' block of the 'Edito' object in the Back-office. This text will be visible to Internet users via the 'Read more' button which will be displayed at the bottom right of the Edito.


You also have the possibility to add images, tables, videos to illustrate your text.


On the right of the edito, an information block shows the dates and locations of the event, the dates of registration and submission for the event, a contact form and the possibility of sharing the event via social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin) and by email.

Note that all the blocks on the home page can be moved, deleted, added according to your wishes.

To remember

  • Date

    Event date
  • Place

    Event place
  • Registration

    From 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2029
  • Submission

    From 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2029
  • Share this event !